My project is born between reality and daydreaming. Usually I live in Italy but I arrived in Sweden unknowingly about what was going to hit us with Covid 19. I traveled to Sweden to do several artshows and a public wall paintings in a museum. All jobs were cancelled but when I wanted to turn around and go back to my home, lockdown was happening in Italy.I found myself blocked in my childhood home in Scania. I couldn’t go back, but I couldn’t do the work I was here to execute.So I spent my days trying to paint. Which i found out was difficult. I hade spent all autumn and winter in my studio, painting for two exhibition that was cancelled. I didn’t have motivation sto start up again. So I walked my dog… Near my parents house there is a bird reserve. I was walking there a lot. At one point my dog started to act differently inside this area. I couldn’t see anything. But he was clearly hearing and smelling activities in the long grasses. Nesting, hatching and mating rituals. I started to worry about the regulations in the area. Could I still walk there? If it was a special date when it started to be forbidden to bring in a dog? What area exactly? Where was the starting point and ending point? And then I remember me as a child walking there whit my friends. Looking at the yellow warning signs- not understanding the meaning, just picking up the feeling of; forbidden, secret area. Fantasizing about what was going to happen if we trespassed. What was hiding in there. Somehow that feeling of uncertainty and threat was corresponding with my feelings of this very special spring. Full of threat, new way of living, restrictions. Areas you can not enter any more, important dates. And especially obscurity about what the future was going to bring.
New Normal- Hatching

LandArt exhibition in Scania, collaboration with Höganäs museum, Sweden